Site Map

About Program
Impacts in New York
Contact Us
Local Foods and Beverages
30% NY Documentation Requirement Guides and Recorded Webinars
30% NY Initiative Eligible Product Database
30% NY Initiative: Opportunities, Barriers, and Pathways to Success
Buffalo Farm-to-School Project
Buffalo Public Schools Launches New Farm to School to You Food Truck
Cornell Farm to School Program
Cornell Malting Barley Resources -- Breeding Program, Variety Trials, Research
Double Up Food Bucks 2014 Year End Report
Double Up Food Bucks Western NY Report, 2014-2015
Economics of Malting Barley Production
FAQs Regarding 30% NY Initiative Reimbursement
Farm to School at the Hudson Valley Food Show
Farm to School Program Spotlight: CCE Niagara
Food-Service Friendly Recipes
Guide on How To Purchase at New York State Produce Auctions
Hard Cider Supply Chain Analysis
Harvest NY Farm to School Newsletter
Harvest of the Month Marketing Materials
Insuring Malting Barley in New York Factsheet (2019)
Malting Barley Alternative Markets
Malting Barley: Keys to Successful Production in New York State
NYS Brewery Supply Chain Analysis, v1, 2016
NYS Brewery Supply Chain Analysis, v2
NYS Produce Auctions Locations and Contact Information
Planning Your Commodity Order Wisely Can Help You Reach the 30% NY Threshold
Quality Testing Available through Hartwick College
School Lunch Close to Home
Selling NY Produce to NY Schools
Starting a Winery in Northern New York: Considerations and Costs
The NY Food Hub Collaborative
Video: New York State Produce Auctions
Western NY Food Hub seeks new produce growers to work with!
What is the Double Up Food Bucks Program in WNY
Farm-Based Beverages
Urban Agriculture
Beneficial Insects on NYC Farms Pocket Guide
Controlled Environment Agriculture
Cornell High Tunnels
Expanding Specialty Mushroom Production on Urban and Rural Farms
Field Guide: Arthropod Pests of NYC Vegetables
Guide to Farming in New York State Available in English and Spanish
Guide to Urban Farming in New York State
Healthy Soils, Healthy Communities
How to Create Habitat for Beneficial Insects
Management Practices for High Organic Matter Soils: Urban Case Studies
New York State Urban Growers Pest Management Needs Assessment
New York Urban Farms Sustainable Pest Management Fact Sheet Series
NYC Agricultural Soil Survey
NYC Urban Agriculture Website
Urban Agriculture in New York State
USDA Initiatives Available to Urban Growers in New York
USDA's Urban Agriculture Toolkit
Vegetable Planting Guide for the New York City Area
Dairy Food Processing
Emerging Crops
Cornell Malting Barley Resources -- Breeding Program, Variety Trials, Research
Cornell Recommendations for U-Pick Operational Changes due to COVID-19
Economics of Malting Barley Production
Edible Hemp Foliar Sampling Project 2018
Insuring Malting Barley in New York Factsheet (2019)
Malting Barley Alternative Markets
Malting Barley: Keys to Successful Production in New York State
Managing Blueberry Stem Gall Wasp in New York
NYS Cannabis sativa L. Guidebook
NYS Cannabis sativa L. Production Manual
Pawpaws in NY: A Guide on How to Grow and Care for Pawpaws
Propagating Strawberry Plants Through Runners
Ag Climate Resiliency
Factsheet: Greenhouse Gases and Soil Organic Carbon in Vegetable Production
Webinar Recordings: 2023 Hudson Valley Farming Series
Farm Strategic Planning
2018 Cornell Agribusiness Strategic Marketing Confernece
2018 Empire State Barley and Malt Summit
2019 Empire State Barley and Malt Summit
2022 Field to Pint Tour
2023 Cornell High-Cannabinoid Hemp Field Day
2023 Hudson Valley Farming Series Field Day: Floodplain Benches on the Wallkill River in Orange Co.
2023 Hudson Valley Farming Series Field Day: Riparian Buffers in Action
2023 Spring Urban Agriculture Conference
2024 Cornell High-Cannabinoid Hemp <em>Cannabis sativa</em> Field Day
Agritourism Workshop
Artisan Cheeses of Western New York
Artisan Cheeses of Western New York
Artisan Dairy Food Safety Plan Coaching Workshop
Basic Insect Rearing for IPM
Baskets to Pallets: Intro to Selling Wholesale
Beef Processing and Cooking 2.0 Workshop
Berry Growers Workshop
Biological Besties -- A Cornell IPM Skillshare Event
Black Farmers United NYS & The NYC Chapter of Young Farmers Fall Mixer
Blueberry Intensive Workshop--Ellicottville
Blueberry Intensive Workshop--Millbrook
Building Pollinator Habitats as Integrated Pest Management
Certified Milk Inspector Summer School
Cold Frames and Season Extension Workshop
Collaborative Marketing
Como Cultivar Hongos Comestibles (How to Grow Edible Mushrooms)
Compost Carnival 2023
Conservation Biocontrol on Urban Farms in NYC
Conserving Friendly Insects on Urban Farms and Gardens
Considering Small-Scale Commercial Value-Added Dairy Production
Cover Crops Workshop
CRAFT + TUFFS Year-end Farmer-to-Farmer Gathering
CRAFT NYC: Next Steps Farmer Panel
CRAFT Tour: Growing and Cooking Asian Vegetables
CRAFT Urban Ag IPM Workshop
Cured Meats Workshop
Cured Meats Workshop
Dairy Science and Sanitation Workshop
Dairy Science and Sanitation Workshop
Dairy Science and Sanitation Workshop
Dairy Science and Sanitation Workshop (VT)
Emerging Markets - Hemp
Emerging Markets - Malting Barley: Technical Updates, Economics and Opportunities Session
Empire State Barley and Malt Summit
Fall Strawberry Workshop
Field to Pint Craft Brewery Tour - Western NY
Field to Pint Craft Brewery Tour (Eastern NY)
Finger Lakes Craft Beverage Conference
Fluid Milk Processing for Quality and Safety (Online Course)
Fluid Milk Processing for Quality and Safety (Online Course)
Food Safety Modernization Act Seminar
Fruit Tree Pruning with NYBG
FSA and NRCS Urban Agriculture Primer
FSMA Food Safety Training and Workshop
FSMA Preventive Controls Qualified Individual Training
FSPCA Preventive Controls for Animal Food
FSPCA Preventive Controls for Animal Food
Fungus Festival 2023
GreenThumb GrowTogether Conference
GreenThumb GrowTogether Conference Workshop: Urban Berry Management
Growing Mushrooms on Gardens and Farms
Growing Tomatoes for Market
Growing, Washing and Packing High Tunnel Winter Greens: Doing It and Doing It Well
Grrls Meat Camp -- Cut & Cook: PIG Workshop
HACCP/Food Safety Plans
Herbs in Context at River Garden
In-Depth Strawberry Substrate Workshop
Indoor Specialty Mushroom Cultivation Course
Integrated Pest Management for Urban Farmers
It's Time for Agriculture Marketing and Business Plans
Lamb Processing and Cooking 2.0
Learn to Grow Mushrooms - Summer Workshops in NYC
Learn to Grow Mushrooms in NYC
Life Cycles of the Segmented and Infamous @ the GreenThumb GrowTogether Conference
Log Inoculation Party
Manure Applicator Training (CCE-Steuben County)
Manure Applicator Training (CCE-Wyoming County)
Manure Handling and Storage Workshop - CANCELED
Market Strategies for Retail and Wholesale
Minimize Pest Control Risks on the Urban Farm
Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) Coffee Hour
Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) Opportunities Info Session
MWBE Certification 101
MWBE Women's Month Celebration
New York City Soil Health Field Day
New York State Honeyberry Conference
NYC Fungus Festival
Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Conservation Short Course
Pork Processing Workshop
POSTPONED - Raspberries 101 Workshop
Preventive Controls Qualified Individual Training: Preventive Controls for Human Food
Recognizing and attracting natural enemies to urban farms and gardens
Regulations, Certification, and the Specialty Mushroom Industry: GAPs, FSMA, and Food Safety
Regulations, Certification, and the Specialty Mushroom Industry: Mushroom Production Certification
Remote GAPs Training and Farm Food Safety Plan Writing Session
Resilient Gardens Symposium
Seed Sowing Workshop
Small-Scale Charcuterie Workshop
Small-Scale Commercial Value-Added Dairy or Meat Production
Small-Scale Value-Added Dairy
Soil Biology Field Day
Soil Health and Compost Basics (Part 1 of 2)
Soil Health and Compost Practicum (Part 2 of 2)
St. Lawrence Valley Produce Auction Growers Meeting
Starting a Winery in Northern NY: Costs and Considerations Webinar
Strategic Workforce Approaches Symposium
Technical and Financial Resources for Urban Farmers in NYS
Technical and Financial Resources for Urban Farmers in NYS
The Science of Cheese Making (Basic Level) and Vat Pasteurization Workshop
The Urban Farmer-to-Farmer Summit (TUFFS)
The Urban Farmer-to-Farmer Summit (TUFFS) 2025
Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Twilight Meeting
Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Twilight Meeting (Lyons, NY)
Un Intercambio entre Agricultores Urbanos
Urban Ag Pest Updates: Cabbage Whitefly
Urban Ag Pest Updates: Twospotted Spider Mite
Urban Berry Project: Growing Strawberries 101
Urban Berry Workshop
Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP)
Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP): Session 2
Vegetable IPM: Gardening From the Ground Up
Water Access for a Hydrated Garden
Writing Your Business & Marketing Plan
Upcoming Events
Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP): Session 2
March 5, 2025
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Brooklyn, NY
The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) is designed to empower NYC farmers and agricultural advisors in their journey to gain and share knowledge and tools needed to be resilient in the face of climate uncertainty. This program is a partnership between Cornell University, the Harvest NY Program in Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the USDA Northeast Climate Hub. The Urban CAMP curriculum draws heavily from the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF), created in response to farmers' need for information and technical assistance related to climate change.The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) will consist of a series of in-person workshops, trainings, online webinars, and in-person field days, tailored for the specific needs of farmers in and around New York City. The program begins February 26, 2026 and will run through September 2026. Five in-person training sessions will be held once a week on Wednesdays in February and March (Feb. 26th, March 5th, March 12th, March 19th, and March 26th). There will be a total of three in-person farm tours during the growing season (dates TBD). Urban CAMP participants will then work to develop an adaptation or mitigation plan for their urban farm, or a farm they work with. Participants who attend all in-person events and complete a farm plan will receive a certificate of completion and a $150 stipend.