Event Details
May 10, 2022
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Harvest New YorkYolanda Gonzalez
email Yolanda Gonzalez
Minimize Pest Control Risks on the Urban Farm
May 10, 2022
Whether growing indoors or outdoors, urban farmers strive to meet integrated pest management's goals of controlling pests with the least risk to people and the environment. This presentation will:
- help you understand and mitigate the risks associated with using sprays and cultural control methods
- provide an overview of relevant regulations
- show what to look for on a pest control product label to make sure you select the right product and use it correctly
COST: Free!
Part of the series "Spray Safe, Spray Well: Reducing Pesticide Use Risks for Organic and Beginning Vegetable Farmers". (Click link for videos of previous sessions.)
This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2018-70027-28588.
Upcoming Events
Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP): Session 3
March 12, 2025
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Brooklyn, NY
The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) is designed to empower NYC farmers and agricultural advisors in their journey to gain and share knowledge and tools needed to be resilient in the face of climate uncertainty. This program is a partnership between Cornell University, the Harvest NY Program in Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the USDA Northeast Climate Hub. The Urban CAMP curriculum draws heavily from the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF), created in response to farmers' need for information and technical assistance related to climate change.The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) will consist of a series of in-person workshops, trainings, online webinars, and in-person field days, tailored for the specific needs of farmers in and around New York City. The program begins February 26, 2026 and will run through September 2026. Five in-person training sessions will be held once a week on Wednesdays in February and March (Feb. 26th, March 5th, March 12th, March 19th, and March 26th). There will be a total of three in-person farm tours during the growing season (dates TBD). Urban CAMP participants will then work to develop an adaptation or mitigation plan for their urban farm, or a farm they work with. Participants who attend all in-person events and complete a farm plan will receive a certificate of completion and a $150 stipend.