30% NY Initiative Eligible Product Database

Cheryl Bilinski, Local Food Systems Specialist, Farm to School Lead
Harvest New York

June 18, 2020
30% NY Initiative Eligible Product Database

NY 30% Initiative Eligible Product Database

The 30% NY Initiative Eligible Product Database is a collection of products that, at a minimum, are made using at least 51% raw NY agricultural ingredients by weight or volume. The database was initially created to help K-12 schools identify products that qualify for the 30% NY Initiative, and has since expanded so that products can now be coded for compliance with the 30% NY Initiative, Executive Order 32, and NY Food for NY Families. For inclusion in the database products must contain at least 51% NY ingredients by weight or volume. Farm sources must be provided for whole, unprocessed produce. Processed and minimally processed products must either be NY Grown & Certified or have a Product Formulation Statement (which we can help you to establish). The database is maintained by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm to Institution Team.

If you are interested in having your qualifying NY products listed in the database, please complete this form. Our team will reach out to you to gather additional information, such as case size and distributors; confirm NY origin; and determine with which programs your products are compliant.

Watch a tutorial of how to navigate the database here

Please email farm2institution@cornell.edu with any questions.

30% NY Eligible Product Database Guide (pdf; 613KB)
  • Take a peek at this PDF to learn a bit about the database at large and certain features within Airtable

Upcoming Events

Resilient Gardens Symposium

August 10, 2024
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
New York, NY

We will be hosting a one-day Resilient Gardens Symposium in New York City focused on culturally relevant gardening skills adapted to climate change for the unique resource needs of urban gardeners. The day's focus will be on addressing barriers for beginning gardeners most affected by post-pandemic food insecurity, hearing from leaders on innovative ways to overcome these issues in cities and connecting resources between Cornell Cooperative Extension and leading community gardens. And, there will be garden tours to Harlem Community Gardens!


Field Guide: Arthropod Pests of NYC Vegetables

Arthropod Pests of NYC Vegetables aims to help urban farmers and gardeners find, identify, and understand the most common and important insects and other arthropod pests found in New York City farms and gardens. Some of these pests are rarely mentioned in other guides but are common in NYC. The guide emphasizes scouting tips, including how to identify pests by the damage they leave behind, even when you can't find the insect itself.

This guide was created as a collaboration between Cornell Cooperative Extension's Harvest New York team and the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program.