Beneficial Insects on NYC Farms Pocket Guide
Sam Anderson, Urban Agriculture Specialist
Harvest New York
Last Modified: November 8, 2022
The Pocket Guide: Beneficial Insects on NYC Farms provides information on beneficial insects commonly found on New York City farms as well as how to recognize and identify them.
Beneficial insects in this guide refers to natural enemies of pests as well as pollinator insects, like bees.
The guide is a collaboration between NYS Integrated Pest Management and CCE Harvest NY, with content from Ileana Katzman.
GU?A DE BOLSILLO: Insectos ben?ficos en las granjas de la ciudad de Nueva York
Esta gu?a brinda informaci?n sobre los insectos ben?ficos que se encuentran com?nmente en las granjas de la ciudad de Nueva York, as? como tambi?n c?mo reconocerlos e identificarlos.
Pocket Guide: Beneficial Insects on NYC Farms (pdf; 1378KB)
GUÍA DE BOLSILLO: Insectos benéficos en las granjas de la ciudad de Nueva York (pdf; 1441KB)
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2024 Cornell High-Cannabinoid Hemp Cannabis sativa Field Day
September 13, 2024
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
Geneva, NY
Join us for a full day of learning and discussion, connecting and having fun! The Cornell Cannabis sativa L. (Hemp) Field Day features interactive workshops, demonstrations, and panel discussions on the latest industry advancements for New York growers and other stakeholders. Topics include:- economics and good manufacturing practices
- controlled environment agriculture
- soil health and composting
- disease management and tissue culture
- post-harvest, drying, and curing
- USDA field updates
- NYS Office of Cannabis Management fireside chat