Kitty O'Neil

Kitty O'Neil

Ag Climate Resiliency Specialist

cell 315-854-1218

Areas of Interest
soil health

Kitty O'Neil joins Harvest NY with an extensive background in climate smart farming; Her goal is to improve productivity and resiliency across the state through smart farm and business management with keen attention to climate-related risks to land, farms, crop, and animal production and long-term soil health. She is a member of the Cornell Climate Smart Farming Extension Team and the Agriculture and Climate Change Program Work Team. Her current research projects focus on impacts of soil compaction to crop yields and soil function.

Kitty previously served as the Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Field Crops and Soils Specialist in Northern NY. She grew up on a successful family dairy farm in Cayuga County, NY and went on to receive a B.S. in Animal Science from Cornell University, her M.S. in Animal Nutrition and Plant Biochemistry from Michigan State University (MSU), and her Ph.D. in Sustainable Plant and Soil Cropping Systems from MSU. Kitty is also a Certified Crop Adviser.

Prior to working with Cooperative Extension, Dr. O'Neil spent several years working at MSU researching potato cropping systems, studying impacts of crop rotations, soil amendments, and cover crops on soil health and biophysics on potato farms.

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Field Guide: Arthropod Pests of NYC Vegetables

Arthropod Pests of NYC Vegetables aims to help urban farmers and gardeners find, identify, and understand the most common and important insects and other arthropod pests found in New York City farms and gardens. Some of these pests are rarely mentioned in other guides but are common in NYC. The guide emphasizes scouting tips, including how to identify pests by the damage they leave behind, even when you can't find the insect itself.

This guide was created as a collaboration between Cornell Cooperative Extension's Harvest New York team and the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program.