NYS Cannabis sativa L. Production Manual
Daniela Vergara, Emerging Crops Specialist
Harvest New York

The New York State Cannabis sativa L. Production Manual is intended to provide current data and findings about sustainable hemp cultivation to growers and members of the Cannabis industry to achieve a high-quality, profitable, and compliant yield. Cannabis sativa yields are used for the development of hemp-based cannabinoid products, fiber, grain, and medicine. As research and knowledge about hemp and, in general, the C. sativa plant increases, this manual will be updated to include new information. The perspectives of the manual authors are largely, but not exclusively, directed to the industry in New York State.
The manual also includes information about the regulatory environment around hemp in New York and the United States, a description of C. sativa cultivation, information about testing and grading, as well as tips on how to produce a crop that meets international environmental and labor standards. Our objective is to help growers maximize yield, quality, profitability, and product integrity while maintaining compliance.
Funding provided by
Cornell Cooperative Extension, Harvest NY
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
NYS Office of Cannabis Management
Towards Sustainability Foundation
Lead author
Daniela Vergara, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Harvest NY
Savanna Shelnutt, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell
Heather Grab, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell
Andrew Demetri, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell
Spencer Rice, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell
Anthony Barraco III, USDA
Editorial review and publication design
Angela Ochterski, Cornell Cooperative Extension
We acknowledge the contributions to this publication made by Nicholas Kaczmar, Main Street Farms, Tap Root Fields, Wheat Field Gardens, Schwazze, Ananda Farms, Nuponix, Jennifer Bailey and Miranda Kinney from Pyxus, Erica Hernandez, Adirondack Hemp, SAF Produce, Hemp Farms of New York, Russel Patten, Kadie Britt, Nicole Gauthier, Anya Osatuke, Akio Lloyd, Vince Dyer, Anna-Liisa Fabritius, and AL&L Crop Solutions.
Additional contributions were made by over 20 Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension, USDA, Alabama A&M University, and industry experts.
NYS Cannabis sativa L. Production Manual, 2023 (pdf; 81164KB)
Community Gardens Soil Testing Program Accepting Applications
Soil testing supports the growth and expansion of community gardens by protecting the health and safety of the food produced in these gardens. CCE Harvest NY, in partnership with the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets (AGM) and the Cornell Soil Health Lab, is offering eligible, food-producing gardens in New York State the opportunity to send soil samples for testing without charge.The soil test will analyze samples for heavy metals and nutrient levels. Test results help gardeners make appropriate plans to produce high quality fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Technical support and education for participating growers will be provided by the CCE Harvest New York team. Learn more about the 2025 Community Gardens Soil Testing Program.