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May 2023

2023 Spring Urban Agriculture Conference

May 6, 2023
10:00 am - 4:00 pm; doors open at 9:00 am
Rochester, NY

2023 Spring Urban Agriculture Conference
Join us for a day of workshops (including a rain barrel workshop), panel discussions, and tabling by local organizations and businesses. The keynote speaker is Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm. CCE Monroe County Master Gardeners will be conducting complimentary soil testing (texture/pH) for those interested. All individuals, groups, and skill levels are welcome!

Water Access for a Hydrated Garden

May 11, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Water Access for a Hydrated Garden
Learn how to keep your garden well hydrated in the hot summer months and all year round in this FREE lunchtime online workshop! Come with your burning questions about how to construct and get approvals for rainwater harvesting structures, how to access a fire hydrant, and all things water access.

Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Twilight Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

May 25, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Lockport, NY

Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Twilight Meeting
Join Specialists Janet Van Zoeren (tree fruit), Anya Osatuke (small fruit), and Anna Wallis (fruit IPM) for a conversation about fruit and berry phenology and pest management. This meeting will examine seasonal changes in tree fruit and berry crops, demonstrate scouting techniques, and discuss integrative pest management solutions to maximize the health and productivity of berry and fruit plantings. Attendees are encouraged to bring pictures or descriptions of pests they are concerned about on their farm.

1.5 DEC credits will be offered in categories 1a, 10, and 22. 

June 2023

Herbs in Context at River Garden

June 13, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Herbs have rich histories and are connected to cultural practices. In this workshop, participants will gain an introduction to ethnobotany and discuss ways to plan an herb garden that is culturally relevant to a community. Herb lovers of all experience levels welcome! 

Soil Biology Field Day

June 28, 2023
3:00 - 6:00 pm EDT
New York, NY

Soil Biology Field Day
Join us for a hands-on afternoon all about life in the soil, from microbes to mollusks. We'll cover new research on the microbiomes of urban ag soils; pests, beneficial insects, and other arthropods in the soil; strategies to support healthy soil biology on urban farms; biological amendments, with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi demonstration; and a wine cap mushroom inoculation demo.

July 2023

No Events Scheduled at this Time

Upcoming Events

Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP): Session 3

March 12, 2025
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Brooklyn, NY

The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) is designed to empower NYC farmers and agricultural advisors in their journey to gain and share knowledge and tools needed to be resilient in the face of climate uncertainty. This program is a partnership between Cornell University, the Harvest NY Program in Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the USDA Northeast Climate Hub. The Urban CAMP curriculum draws heavily from the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF), created in response to farmers' need for information and technical assistance related to climate change.

The 2025 Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (Urban CAMP) will consist of a series of in-person workshops, trainings, online webinars, and in-person field days, tailored for the specific needs of farmers in and around New York City. The program begins February 26, 2026 and will run through September 2026. Five in-person training sessions will be held once a week on Wednesdays in February and March (Feb. 26th, March 5th, March 12th, March 19th, and March 26th). There will be a total of three in-person farm tours during the growing season (dates TBD). Urban CAMP participants will then work to develop an adaptation or mitigation plan for their urban farm, or a farm they work with. Participants who attend all in-person events and complete a farm plan will receive a certificate of completion and a $150 stipend.


New York Urban Farms Sustainable Pest Management Fact Sheet Series

Cornell Cooperative Extension has partnered with dozens of urban farms across New York State to demonstrate and evaluate sustainable pest management strategies. Together with farmers, we found success using control methods that prevent or reduce crop losses through exclusion strategies, crop timing, host resistance, the introduction of beneficial organisms, and more. Regardless of management strategy used, common requirements for success include a knowledge of the pest and disease complex, preventative deployment and commitment to the process. The New York Urban Farms Sustainable Pest Management Fact Sheet Series includes case studies highlighting pest management techniques that New York urban farms have found valuable.

NYS Urban Growers Pest Management Needs Assessment

As part of a multi-year project exploring non-spray pest management options that are economically and environmentally sustainable for urban farms, we conducted a needs assessment with urban growers across New York State. The New York State Urban Growers Pest Management Needs Assessment presents findings on current pest management practices, challenges, and topics of future interest.